I am Edgard

Hi, i am Edgard! welcome to my blog!

My name is Edgard, i was born in Santiago Chile October 9th of 2000, I am currently 19 years old, when I was 12 years old I went to study south, and returned to Santiago at 14 years old, since then I live in Maipú with my parents Edgardo and Viviana, and my brother Vicente.


I finished my middle studies at the Liceo Nacional de Maipú, where I was president of the student organization, in addition to participating in other activities such as the Sociedad Liceana de Debate.

I am currently studying Public Administration at the Universidad de Chile and working in the administration and coordination of the Oficina de Diversidad of the Municipalidad de Maipú, an office aimed at promoting the rights of LGBTQ + people.


  1. Hi Edgar, I waited a long time for your first post because i dont know a lot of you:(
    So, do you like your job?

    1. Hi Beatriz! ;-) Thank u for your comment. I love my job, it's very special for me, and I can give solutions for the people LGBTQ+ that need, i have a special compromise 24/7, and more with this context. Kind regards!

  2. I really admire you, I don't know how you do it, with university and work! If I were you, I would be very stressed right now.

    1. Thank u! sometimes is difficult for me, because i must leave other things like go out with friends, but, "every effort has its rewards" <3

  3. like a friend i'm so proud of you, it's very cool know you more, i'm waitaing for another post.

  4. Great your work!
    How long have you been at work? It must be difficult to work and study.

    1. Hi Cristobal! ;-) Thank you for your question. I have one year in this office, but previously I worked in the Department of Sports and Recreation and Community Organizations, and in a moment I worked in two works meanwhile i studying, in Maipú and Pedro Aguirre Cerda! That was chaotic, with the time its feel the wear.

  5. Very interesting! I am glad you are working on something you can create an impact to make the society better.
    Pay attention to some grammar structures


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